Kantoornieuws ⸱ 08-03-2019

Lexence behaalt geweldige resultaten in Chambers Europe 2019

8 maart 2019 – De nieuwe rankings van Chambers Europe zijn uit. We zijn blij met de uitstekende resultaten: Corporate/M&A Mid-Market is gestegen naar band 1 en Dispute Resolution is gestegen naar band 4! Lees hieronder de quotes en beschrijvingen die Chambers dankzij onze referenten en submissies kon formuleren.

Corporate M&A mid-market (band 1)

Luc Habets is particularly active in Dutch mid-market private equity matters, regularly acting for private equity houses. He also assists corporate clients with transactional mandates. According to a source, he is ‘a charismatic and skilled lawyer’, while another interviewee describes him as ‘super pragmatic’ and a lawyer who ‘instils confidence in both parties at the negotiation table’.”

“According to clients, Michiel van Schooten is a ‘very commercially minded lawyer’ who is able to ‘understand what the client’s objectives are and work towards the client’s goals’. He handles mandates relating to M&A and investments, and advised Endeit Capital on its investments in Chronext.”

Dispute resolution (band 4)

Bram Thomas Craemer offers experience in commercial and contractual litigation. A client describes him as a ‘sharp and skilled lawyer’, while another notes that ‘he has excellent commercial judgement, is pragmatic and is also a good negotiator’. He acts for clients in the media sector, regularly representing RTL Nederland in  commercial disputes.”

Timo Jansen is praised for his ‘excellent commercial awareness and understanding of corporate thinking and dynamics’. He handles shareholder disputes, post-M&A litigation and professional and directors’ liability proceedings. He represented Dental Clinics in a number of post-acquisition disputes.”

Employment (band 3)

Judith Schulp regularly litigates for clients on matters including dismissals, restrictive covenants and discrimination. Clients appreciate that she is ‘very motivated and practical’ and say that she is ‘a very good negotiator’. Another interviewee highlights her flexible and hard-working approach.”

Mark Keuss handles internal investigations into employee misconduct and advises on related dismissals. He also often advises on collective dismissals carried out as part of restructurings. Keuss earns praise from interviewees for his client-oriented approach and for his ’technical knowledge and practical experience’.”

Real Estate (band 4)

Tomas Steenmetser is widely recognised for his considerable experience in commercial leasing mandates. He is praised by clients for his ability to ‘analyse and clarify a problem quickly and explain the best way to proceed’. He has standout experience assisting clients with sale and leaseback transactions in the hotels sector.”

Banking & Finance (band  4)

Charles Destrée of Lexence is described by a client as a ‘helpful and strong lawyer’, and another interviewee highlights his ability to ‘pick up the case and keep and eye on the deadlines’. He advises on both regulatory and transactional mandates.”

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