Kantoornieuws ⸱ 13-03-2020

Lexence behaalt mooie resultaten in Chambers Europe 2020

De Chambers Europe 2020 is uit. We zijn blij met de mooie resultaten: zowel Corporate/M&A Mid-Market (band 1), Dispute Resolution (band 4), Employment (band 3) als Real Estate (and 4) heeft hun ranking weten vast te houden! Lees hieronder de quotes en beschrijvingen die Chambers dankzij onze referenten en submissies kon formuleren.

Corporate M&A mid-market (band 1)

Luc Habets is praised by private equity clients for his “fact-based, open and smooth way of getting what he wants.” He assists buyers, sellers and shareholders with transactions and restructurings.

Michiel van Schooten represents financial institutions and investment companies in transactions in the digital sector. Clients praise him for being “down to earth” and “not making things bigger than they are,” adding that he is “very knowledgeable, with a lot of experience.”

Dispute resolution (band 4)

Clients report that Bram Thomas Craemer is “always looking for a good solution” and able to “get the best out of negotiations.” His practice focuses on commercial disputes, representing clients in shareholder disputes, joint venture litigation and directors’ liability claims.

Timo Jansen advises both Dutch and international companies. He represents clients in financial litigation, professional liability claims and corporate disputes. Clients describe Jansen as “experienced and thoughtful.”

Employment (band 3)

Judith Schulp represents clients in negotiations with unions and work councils, as well as large-scale dismissals. She also assists employees with high-value remuneration proceedings. According to market commentators, Schulp is “really good and she knows negotiations.”

Real Estate (band 4)​

Tomas Steenmetser is widely acknowledged in the market for his knowledge of tenancy and leasing law. Clients find him “very personal, pragmatic and good at keeping us up to date with legislative developments.”

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