
Chambers 2024

"Timo is pragmatic, able to quickly analyse complex matters and to formulate arguments with razor-sharp clarity. His presentation in court is impressive.”"

Over Timo

Timo Jansen heeft ruime ervaring in het voorkomen en oplossen van ondernemingsrechtelijke en contractuele geschillen, in het bijzonder op het gebied van precontractuele aansprakelijkheid, overnames, joint ventures, bestuurders- en aandeelhoudersaansprakelijkheid, franchise en distributie. Daarnaast treedt hij op in beroepsaansprakelijkheid- en fraudezaken. Zijn cliënten zijn voornamelijk actief in de verzekeringsbranche, (food)retail en telecommunicatie.

Sinds 2010 is Timo verbonden aan Lexence. Hij studeerde Nederlands recht en Recht en economie aan de Universiteit Utrecht en volgde de specialisatieopleiding Corporate litigation aan de Grotius Academie en Advanced Financial Statement Analysis aan het Amsterdam Institute of Finance. In 1998 is hij beëdigd als advocaat.

Internationale aanbevelingen

Legal 500 (2024): "Timo Jansen was foundational in establishing my confidence in Lexence. His support showed me that we held a good defence and could build a solid strategy to move forward. He has a talent for seeing and understanding all the elements in play and weighing the impact of each decision, while articulating in a way that we understand clearly even if we don’t agree. He has an astute read on character and predicts and plans for manoeuvres that we may not have seen or known.”"
Chambers (2024): "Timo is pragmatic, able to quickly analyse complex matters and to formulate arguments with razor-sharp clarity. His presentation in court is impressive.”"
Chambers (2022): "A client praises Timo Jansen for his "quick and analytical advice," and adds that "his advice even included a pragmatic solution to implement in our business." He has a broad practice covering financial litigation, commercial disputes and professional liability claims."
Legal 500 (2022): "We were particularly pleased by Timo Jansen’s ability to identify the major points of a complex case and condense them to a 30-minute compelling speech before the court. They work in small teams with highly experienced lawyers so the costs of litigation stays manageable. Down-to-earth, practical input, with partner involvement. Mean and lean, and quick in forming opinions. "
Legal 500 (2021): "The team is on the ball in projects and finds creative solutions for problems which were not identified by other advisors, especially partner Timo Jansen. Furthermore, they stick to the initial plan, but are flexible to adjust when necessary."
Chambers (2021): "Timo Jansen advises a client roster of banks and other financial institutions, as well as private individuals, on a range of contentious cases, including shareholder disputes and professional liability cases. Market commentators highlight his focus on commercial litigation."
Legal 500 (2020): "I contacted Timo Jansen for a (mostly time and money consuming) arbitration, but he surprised me with a commercial, smart, and out of the box approach which resulted in just a few weeks in a very satisfying settlement solution."
Chambers (2020): "Timo Jansen advises both Dutch and international companies. He represents clients in financial litigation, professional liability claims and corporate disputes. Clients describe Jansen as "experienced and thoughtful."

Rechtsgebiedenregister Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten

Timo Jansen heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten de volgende hoofd- (en sub)rechtsgebieden geregistreerd:
– Burgerlijk procesrecht
– Arbitrage
– Beslag- en executierecht
– Litigation
– Ondernemingsrecht
– Agentuur en distributie
– Beroepsaansprakelijkheid
– Fusies en overnames
– Vennootschappen
– Verenigingen en stichtigingen
– Verbintenissenrecht

Deze registratie verplicht Timo Jansen elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied.

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