Kantoornieuws ⸱ 16-03-2023

Trots op onze mooie rankings in Chambers Europe 2023

16 maart 2023 – Vandaag heeft Chambers weer de jaarlijkse rankings gepubliceerd. Wat zijn we trots op de mooie resultaten in Chambers Europe! Zo heeft onze Corporate/M&A Mid-Market praktijk wederom de band 1 ranking weten vast te houden. Daarnaast ook weer erg mooie erkenning voor onze andere rechtsgebieden. Geweldig dat onze klanten zo te spreken zijn over onze manier van werken: “We receive very proactive and pragmatic advice from the Lexence team on complex matters.” Bekijk hieronder nog veel meer mooie beschrijvingen die Chambers dankzij onze referenten en submissies kon formuleren.

Corporate/M&A: Mid-Market, band 1

What the team is known for: Lexence is a strong Dutch firm with a notable focus on advising founders, shareholders and company management on divestments. The law firm also has an impressive track record of assisting clients with acquisitions, as well as representing them in mergers and joint venture agreements. Recently the firm has been particularly active on transactions in the healthcare and technology sectors.

Strengths provided by Chambers

“We receive very proactive and pragmatic advice from the Lexence team on complex matters.”

“The lawyers always try to find a optimal outcome between several commercial and legal aspects.”

“One of the characteristics of Lexence is that they handle complicated work in a straightforward and practical manner.”

Notable Practitioners:

Luc Habets assists clients with sales and acquisitions, often within the healthcare sector. He has experience advising shareholders.

“He is to the point, and he understands how to explain things so that non-legal people understand as well.”

“Luc Habets is able to distinguish the important legal issues and leave the other issues aside.”


Dispute Resolution, band 4

What the team is known for: Lexence is particularly active in commercial litigation, including representing clients in shareholder and contractual disputes. The law firm also acts for clients on liability cases, as well as mismanagement proceedings. The team has additional experience in financial disputes, insolvency proceedings and criminal litigation.

Strengths provided by Chambers

“The lawyers are able to translate complexity to rather simple proportions and corresponding actions.”

“Lexence carefully analysed the path that leads to the best outcome for us.”

Notable Practitioners

Bram Thomas Craemer has a strong focus on advising clients on commercial disputes, as well as defending them against allegations of criminal behaviour.

“He is a pleasant person to work with, who is strong in setting out the strategy and managing our expectations.”

Timo Jansen often assists clients with injunctive relief proceedings and investigations into allegations of mismanagement.


Employment, band 4

What the team is known for: Lexence has a robust national offering and is active in large workforce reorganisation proceedings as well as contentious employment matters. The team advises on collective dismissals, social plan negotiations, transfers of undertaking and on the harmonisation of working conditions. Team members also have significant experience acting on employment disputes concerning instances of misconduct.

Strengths provided by Chambers

“They have proven to be quick, pragmatic and very client-focused.”

“Lexence are totally professional, knowledgeable, and understand our business quite well.”

Notable Practitioners

Judith Schulp advises clients on a wide array of employment law matters including issues arising from restructuring, collective labour agreements and remuneration policies.


Real Estate, band 4

What the team is known for: Lexence often acts for investment funds and financial sector clients on a range of real estate transactions for office and residential assets. The law firm advises on sales, purchases and leaseback transactions. Additionally it assists with lease agreements, redevelopment projects and real estate financing matters.

Strengths provided by Chambers

“Lexence always finds the right angle towards a solution.”

“The team has a hands-on mentality towards matters.”

Notable Practitioners

Tomas Steenmetser advises real estate companies on the divestment of assets and is also known for assisting with leasing matters.

“He is outstanding.”

“He is always to the point in his approach.”

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