
Annejet Balm



Legal 500 2024

"This team excels in labour law. Their expertise is matched by their remarkable accessibility and quick response times. For legal matters demanding both precision and efficiency, this firm is a standout choice."

Over Annejet

Annejet Balm procedeert en adviseert op alle belangrijke gebieden van het arbeidsrecht, waaronder het individueel en collectief ontslagrecht, reorganisaties, medezeggenschap en overgang van onderneming. Zij is gespecialiseerd in arbeidsongeschiktheid, uitzend- en detacheringsconstructies alsmede privacy op de werkvloer.

Annejet spreekt veelvuldig op seminars en workshops. Daarnaast is zij co-auteur van het boek ‘Hoe zit het met het (nieuwe) arbeidsrecht’ en was zij hoofdredacteur arbeidsrecht van SduMemo+. Annejet is lid van de Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Nederland (VAAN) en de Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Amsterdam (VAAA).

Sinds 2013 is Annejet verbonden aan Lexence. Zij studeerde Nederlands recht aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, volgde een summer course aan de University of California te Berkeley en voltooide de specialisatieopleiding Arbeidsrecht aan de Grotius Academie. Annejet is in 2001 beëdigd als advocaat.

Internationale aanbevelingen

Legal 500 (2024): "This team excels in labour law. Their expertise is matched by their remarkable accessibility and quick response times. For legal matters demanding both precision and efficiency, this firm is a standout choice."
Legal 500 (2022): "Annejet Balm is very practical and easygoing – a real business partner."
Legal 500 (2021): "Highly effective, knowledgeable and pragmatic legal team, consistently outperforming expectations."
Chambers (2021): "Clients refer to the firm's pragmatism, one acclaiming its 'practical, hands-on approach'. Another client underlines its attentiveness, citing its 'quick turnaround'."
Legal 500 (2020): "The Lexence team is for me unique for its direct and no-nonsense approach. Time is always short and Lexence understands how this works. If I have a question I will get a professional direct answer, with which I can get further. If my first contact is not available, there is always a professional colleague nearby."
Chambers (2018): "Clients highlight the firm's 'unique approach and broad knowledge,' saying: 'They know how to deal with the law but can also handle matters in a unique and creative way and are transparent in outlining risks and opportunities.' Others describe the service as 'precise and quick'."
Legal 500 (2018): "The practice at Lexence 'can handle complex cases quickly and effectively' and is also valued for having 'an innovative and entrepreneurial' approach."
Chambers (2018): "The lawyers also earn praise from interviewees for being 'extremely quick in their responses, candid in their opinions and flexible in terms of understanding what is appropriate for each situation'."
Legal 500 (2018): "Providing ‘quick, accurate, to-the-point’ advice. Annejet Balm made partner in January 2017."
Legal 500 (2017): "Lexence’s practice, which is especially strong in large-scale reorganisations and collective dismissals, is headed by Judith Schulp and Mark Keuss. Redundancy specialist Floor Damen is ‘driven, result-oriented and creative’."
Chambers (2017): "The team is known for robust national offering, recently active on large reorganisation and rationalisation procedures. Advises on collective labour agreements, compliance mandates, dismissals and redundancies. Maintains a focus on the security, healthcare, energy and financial services sectors. The team continues to develop its specialist expertise on employee representation matters affecting municipalities."

Rechtsgebiedenregister Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten

Annejet Balm heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten het volgende hoofdrechtsgebied geregistreerd:
– Arbeidsrecht

Deze registratie verplicht Annejet Balm elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied.

Alle mensen van Arbeidsrecht ontmoeten?