
Joost Kolkman



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Legal 500

"We had the opportunity to work with Joost Kolkman and Bas de Mie who were extremely responsive and pulled out all the stops to deliver a high-quality service in a very timely manner. I have never come across such professional service provision."

Over Joost

Joost Kolkman is gespecialiseerd in fusies en overnames, private equity transacties en samenwerkingsverbanden. Hij treedt op voor nationale en internationale ondernemingen, fondsen, investeerders en management teams.

Joost doceert regelmatig over ondernemingsrecht en samenwerkingsverbanden, onder meer bij het Centrum voor Postacademisch Onderwijs, onderdeel van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Sinds 2014 is Joost verbonden aan Lexence. Hij studeerde Nederlands recht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hij is in 2002 beëdigd als advocaat.

Internationale aanbevelingen

Legal 500 (2024): "We had the opportunity to work with Joost Kolkman and Bas de Mie who were extremely responsive and pulled out all the stops to deliver a high-quality service in a very timely manner. I have never come across such professional service provision"
Legal 500 (2022): "Joost Kolkman is reactive, understands the issue very quickly and finds creative solutions. The team is very reactive and finds the right specialist for every question immediately. They share the same dynamism."
Legal 500 (2021): "Joost Kolkman and Diederick de Boer are very responsive and always find pragmatic solutions to complex problems."
Chambers (2021): "A client acknowledges the team for its business understanding, calling it 'commercially minded' and particularly highlighting that the lawyers give 'forward-looking advice'."
Legal 500 (2019): "The team is 'able to think about pragmatic solutions which is often missing from other firms'."
Chambers (2019): "Clients describe the team's approach as 'smart, thorough and commercially minded'. Another source praises the 'dedicated and knowledgeable team', noting that the lawyers are 'good on both strategy and detail'."

Rechtsgebiedenregister Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten

Joost Kolkman heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten de volgende hoofd- (en sub)rechtsgebieden geregistreerd:
– Ondernemingsrecht
– Bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid
– Fusies en overnames
– Vennootschappen
– Verenigingen en stichtingen

Deze registratie verplicht Joost Kolkman elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied.

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