
Diederick de Boer



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Legal 500 2024

"The team is straight, to the point and pragmatic whilst covering potential legal risks."

Over Diederick

Diederick de Boer is gespecialiseerd in fusies en overnames, private equity en venture capital transacties. Hij adviseert over een breed scala aan ondernemingsrechtelijke aspecten.

Diederick is sinds 2005 verbonden aan Lexence. Hij studeerde International Business Transactions and Law aan de Amsterdam Nyenrode Law School en Nederlands recht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Diederick is in 2005 beëdigd als advocaat.

Internationale aanbevelingen

Legal 500 (2024): "The team is straight, to the point and pragmatic whilst covering potential legal risks."
Legal 500 (2022): "Skilled professional dedicated team with good communication skills. Direct professional communication with a dedicated team which knows the specifics of our company and our market."
Legal 500 (2021): "Joost Kolkman and Diederick de Boer are very responsive and always find pragmatic solutions to complex problems."
Chambers (2021): "The firm has the combination of having the right knowledge and being able to negotiate while being pragmatic."
Legal 500 (2019): "The team is 'able to think about pragmatic solutions which is often missing from other firms'. Diederick de Boer is also noted for 'being able to think with the client'."
Chambers (2019): "Increasingly active corporate team rising to the top band this year. Assists with mergers, acquisitions and investments. Clients include a number of key players in the mid-market."

Rechtsgebiedenregister Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten

Diederick de Boer heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten de volgende hoofd- (en sub)rechtsgebieden geregistreerd:
– Ondernemingsrecht
– Fusies en overnames

Deze registratie verplicht Diederick de Boer elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied.

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